

Sexual misconduct is a broad term the University of Idaho uses to include any type of sex or gender discrimination from a sexist comment up to rape. 很多事情都可以构成不当性行为, 比如约会/家庭暴力, 跟踪和性侵犯.

Make sure you are safe – you can always utilize emergency services by dialing 9-1-1. 此外, 格里特曼医疗中心 和 学生健康中心 是否有医疗资源可以满足身体需求. 咨询和心理健康中心是可用的, 对学生免费, 解决精神和情感上的困扰.

妇女中心是半保密资源 available to offer additional resources, 解释报告选项, 并为您提供关怀和支持服务. 您可以向UI员工报告, 第九条协调员, 或者学生办公室主任, 和UI将提供及时的补救行动, 协助采取临时措施保护您, 并为防止这种情况再次发生而努力. If you want someone to take action to prevent this from happening again, 报告是最有效的选择.

您可以向UI员工报告, 第九条办公室, 或教务处及UI将提供提示, 补救行动, 协助采取临时措施保护您, 并可能导致防止这种情况再次发生的结果. If you want someone to take action to prevent this from happening again, 报告是最有效的选择.

The University of Idaho must address instances of sexual misconduct regardless of where it occurs. Furthermore, the Student Code of Conduct applies to all students regardless of physical location. As a student, you agree to follow the rules of the code as long as you are affiliated with UI. 即使性行为不端的事件发生在校外(e.g.,在公寓,在另一个城市等.),本处仍会调查此事,并采取适当行动.

There are completely confidential resources available on- 和 off-campus. The Counseling 和 Mental 健康 Center is completely confidential, as is the 学生健康中心. 帕卢斯暴力的替代方案(ATVP) is an off-campus confidential resource that can provide advocacy, support, 和 additional resources.

妇女中心是半保密资源. They must report numbers of crime statistics for Clery Reporting purposes, 但没有身份信息(姓名)被记录下来, 位置, 日期, details, 等.). The Women’s Center can clearly explain all the available options for reporting without pressure, 判断或期望.

该大学与莫斯科警察局密切合作. Sexual misconduct involving UI students will be reported to UI through MPD. The university has an obligation to look into these matters 和 will contact you for care 和 concern or additional information. 除非你只是个证人, 你可以选择拒绝与UI交谈, but the university will try to address the concerns to the best of its ability.

Report the incident as soon as possible to the Office of the Dean of Students or 第九条协调员. 你 are welcome to meet in person or send an email to report an incident of sexual misconduct. Most UI employees have a responsibility to report incidents of sexual misconduct to 第九条协调员 or designee so disclosing to a faculty or staff member will prompt the process as well. UI将收集信息并可能进行调查. The investigators will make a determination based on a st和ard of proof called “the preponderance of the evidence” (also known as more likely than not) 和 if the Student Code of Conduct or another UI policy was found to have been violated, the university will take appropriate action in accordance with policy 和 procedure.

When the university is notified of an allegation of sexual misconduct, 通常会指派两名调查员调查案件. The investigators work as neutral fact-finders to gather information. The investigators will interview the complainant (the one bringing forward the complaint or the person who experienced the misconduct), 被投诉人(对投诉作出回应的人), 以及任何相关证人. 调查人员将从接受采访的人那里收集证据, 比如照片, 短信, 电子邮件, 社交媒体传播, 医学报告, 警方报告, 等.

调查人员的目标是在60天内完成调查. Factors such as complexity, a police investigation 和 holiday breaks can impact the 60-day timeline. A final report will be submitted to the Dean of Students Office if it is determined a UI policy violation occurred.

学生教务长可以施加制裁, 或惩罚, 如果发生UI策略违规,则向应答者发送. 通过 学生纪律处分程序, the respondent can request a review the sanction at a hearing with the Student Disciplinary Review Board.

检控组将展开调查. Someone who is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct is typically referred to 作为被告 (someone responding to an allegation). 调查人员会联系你收集信息. 你, 作为被告, 不需要参与调查过程, 然而, 无论你是否参与,调查都会继续进行. 在整个过程中,您有权选择一位指导老师. ASUI提供了一个 学生的后卫 at no cost to you or you may select any advisor of your choosing, at your own expense.

如果调查确定您违反了UI政策, you will be contacted by the Dean of Students Office 和 sanctions may be in place. 您可以接受制裁或要求对制裁进行审查.

The university investigators use the “preponderance of the evidence” st和ard of proof. This means investigators are determining whether it is more likely than not that a violation of a policy occurred. 它通常被解释为“50%和羽毛”.” It is important to know that UI’s burden of proof is lower than law enforcement’s burden of proof. This means that a criminal process may begin 和 conclude without any formal charges or without a finding of “guilty,” but the university could still investigate 和 find someone responsible for a policy violation.

如果调查人员认为你违反了UI政策, the final investigation report will be submitted to the Dean of Students conduct officer. The conduct officer will evaluate the policy 和 the severity of the violation 和 make recommendations for sanctions. 制裁的范围可以从警告到驱逐. 制裁是根据具体情况分配的.

If you disagree with the outcome 和/or proposed sanctions you can appeal to the Student Disciplinary Review Board. 他们将举行听证会,审查最初的调查, 审查证据, 采访那些参与最初调查的人, 维持或修改拟议的制裁.


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